Can you build notion like software on Wappler

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if you could create a notion like software in Wappler and how would you be able to replace keyboard commands and detect text to replace / have special format.

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Hi, I noticed you from Bubble :slight_smile:

I’m not sure what you mean replace keyboard commands and detect text. I don’t think there are keyboard commands with Wappler ui but you could find a javascript library to easily integrate. You could recreate notion sure but it might take some time for you to get acclimated with wappler.

I think that space of project management is kind of saturated though and slack is pretty awesome already even for a free tier. Would be some tough competition if youre planning to create saas.

I’m not familiar with Notion so this may not be helpful, but you can assign keyboard commands to run actions etc. in Wappler.

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This is what they are after i’m sure, there is something similar with bubble.