Can this app be developed using Wappler?

Hi all,

I am a co-founder of an early startup. We want to build a UI around a machine learning algorithm that we developed, but our team doesn’t have much web development experience. We are hoping that Wappler can speed up the dev process. I just have a few questions about the feasibility of building this app using Wappler:

  1. Can our pretrained Tensorflow models be deployed using Wappler?

  2. We have a custom React component that we need for our app. It’s essentially a molecule editor that allows the user to draw some chemical compounds and export it to a data table. I already have this implemented, but can this be integrated with Wappler components?

Thanks for your help.

You can integrate via any REST APIs or any JS libraries.

Haven’t worked with tensorflow or React with a Wappler project - so cannot give you a very specific advice here!

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