Can the contents of $_POST be used directly by S3 Connector to save to a cloud storage?


I am writing an inbound API and I want to save the contents of $_POST via S3 Connector to DigitalOcean Spaces. Do I need to save the $_POST to a server side file first and then send that file via S3 Connector or can I configure S3 Connector to directly use $_POST?


You need to process the POST, save the image to a folder then perform the S3 upload.
You can then clean up the temp file.

Something like this

Hi Brian,

Thanks for confirming this.

I’ve found a workaround to the problem. I’m not uploading an image, I want to save to S3 the JSON body of an inbound API call. So instead of using S3 Connector Put File, I’m doing this:

  1. Use S3 Connector Sign Upload URL configured for the S3 target bucket and filename with path.
  2. Use API Action with returned url from Sign Upload URL, and input data from $_POST.

All security is handled by the signed URL, and the expiration time on the signed url can be small as it’s going to be used immediately.
