Can’t deploy with docker when project name has a dot in it

just updated from 6.4 to 6.5, now my project will not launch

and i dont know where it gets that name from, my project is called

It looks like your development server is not running.


Restart Wappler may help.

not sure why, i have restarted wappler a few times, error only occured after the update, going to reboot pc to be sure thanks

machine reboot, still same error. nothing has changed other than the update

Which server model?


Have you tried running the Apache server?

I’m not very technical, hence using wappler :wink: and just run everything in docker/wappler, which all worked this morning until the update, and now it won’t start. i dont want to start messing with settings/project names incase there is a bug (which there must be) as i will make things worse

The problem may well be in the Project name containing hyphens?

In your Project Options is the Project Name actually

If so try changing it to simply cubico storage and then try to deploy?


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Certainly looks like it. Wait until @Teodor arrives on the scene. :tumbler_glass:

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The container is adopting your Project Name which has a hyphen in it. This causes Docker to become butt hurt (technical term). Docker no likey likey more than likely likely.


lol, but i have had the hyphen in the project name for the past 2 months with no issue, then i update and now it throws the toys out the pram. can i just change the project name without breaking other things?

The container name change was done by docker when updating to the new docker compose.

You can just choose to use the old docker project name in your project target options

so change target name to my project name?

which i tried to no avail

No, not the target name but the “docker project name” it is available in the docker options and you can choose the running docker name.

Do not change your regular target name

There’s a Docker Deploy Name option with a change button next to it in your target settings.
Don’t try to just rename random stuff in your project, this can get the project broken.

I’m really sorry for being so dumb on this, but there is no docker deploy name that i can see :frowning:

i opened docker directly not wappler, which is i think what is meant above? but seems to be no option to change anything, but i can hit start and it runs