Can I do a "mobile like" transition on phone (using web app)

At this point, I have no need for “app store” delivery. My app will simply run from the browser.
But if a user is on a phone, they see the picture below.
The “chevron-right” makes it look familiar as other phone apps, and hopefully this tells them if they tap on a row, there’s a NEXT screen.

My Q is: Is there a “slide” effect for the next screen - and then a reverse slide when they tap my Back icon?
Or should I just use a full page modal and be done with it?

I’m not sure if this is really needed or can be done, so I’m asking before I get started on a details screen. On a wider screen size, I’m using the ‘detail view’ to display details on the right side of the screen.
Just trying to make it more ‘mobile-like’ for the UI, but its not a biggie.



Have you tried using animations? It can be found in the Dynamic Attributes.


  1. no, didnt know about those. i search for various combinations of “slide” “mobile” “transition” etc and got many non-applicable results. will research “animations”

  2. to use this, what mechanism am I using to bring up the next screen? Am I using a “modal” or just going to another content page?

You would be going either to another page or to a data detail area.

Select the element where you have your details (Where ever it goes when you click on the Chevrons). In my case I was going to a new page so I selected the container on the new page.

right now i’m doing a data-detail

but if you narrow your screen the chevron appears.
it STILL goes to data-detail, but its way at the bottom.
AND unless you’ve filtered to few results, its not usable cause its WAYYYY down there.

The docs had a section on data-detail to modal, which i don’t need unless you’re on a phone. so maybe I can conditionally choose which one to do. That’ll be my next step.
Thx again!

Hmmm, I see your issue. Personally, I would use a modal for your details regardless what size screen is being used.

For a single page to have a slide effect a offcanvas is also a really nice choice in my option, you can also then have the offcanvas always show on bigger screens

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I forgot about offCanvas … that is a good option as well.

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are you saying this after looking at my app in mobile view?,
or just in general?

And did you mean “for a SINGLE PAGE APP” ?
If not, what do you mean by “a single page to have…”?

In general it is nice for a way of showing data from say in a table and showing extra details about the record chosen. but it remains on the same page for example the table and record details stay on

Essentially you just have the Offcanvas with a data detail inside which covers the table
resembling sliding and then when you close the offcanvas you see the table again If your wanting each record to have a completely separate page Brads idea is probably more what you are looking for

Thank you both for the suggestions. I’m excited and learning!