In my old PHP project (now working in NodeJS) i had export to CSV working without a problem.
It would export a large set of data to CSV, with the column headers and would return each new row of data in a new row in excel. I was using comma as the delimiter.
Now, when i set up a similar server action, just running a simple Select * query, then Export to CSV it does the following:
Export to file works fine
Separates data correctly on the delimiter
BUT - all the 100+ rows of data from the query are in 1 single row in excel.
Anyone have any thoughts? or is this possibly a bug with the export function and NodeJS?
I think problems like this are typically due to the record separator - ie usually the line endings. Eg there could be just LF characters, perhaps from data created on a Mac, and CR/LF endings are needed.
Thanks for the response Tom. It didn’t make too much sense to me but i have looked into it in a lot more detail including my old PHP project where it was working.
I’m pretty sure this is a bug as its not returning each new row of data on a new row when it exports to CSV.