Can a form have two action files?

I have a wappler contact form on our site which inserts the data into a database then emails the data as well. That works fine. I’d like to also add an option to opt in to a mailchimp newsletter we are starting. Mailchimp allows you to do this by using their form action on your custom form… Is this possible in the set of server actions somehow? basically it’s sending a post request of certain fields to their url action file when an option like a checkbox is checked on our form to join the newletter.

Since almost everything else seems to be possible in Wappler, there is probably a way but not sure how best to approach.


The checkbox has a posted value which you can use in the server action. Using the current Action Step, choose Core Actions and Add Condition with the $_POSTed value as the condition. After that, create the steps that are required.

thank you.