Calling Programs Outside of Wappler and Receiving Its Output?

There are some features of ffmpeg I would like to use in my Node.js application--reading/writing metadata of a video file for example. If I installed ffmpeg via npm for example, how would I call it, pass it variables, and receive the output, using Wappler?

I don't have time to give a ready solution, but you'd probably need to make a custom extension or use the extension RunJS by @ JonL

Edit: The link above would be for command-line ffmpeg, I missed the part you installed it with npm. Regardless, the remaining advice applies

Thank you Apple. I was looking into how to extend Wappler last week, reading all the forum posts I could find. I use Docker and this created some additional challenges with the modules structure and automation built into Wappler to create the necessary folder paths and filesystem links.

Calling ffmpeg from the command line may still be a suitable solution. Right now, I just need to get it working and not worry about how that scales.

Thanks for the RunJS extension. It looks like I can copy/paste into the extension, the JS that executes a child process.

Great. Some days, every step is met with another wall in the way. "Name can no longer contain capital letters" sigh

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Yes,npm repository names must be in lower case, no capitals.

No.idea why but it is what it us.

Just download those two files from the GitHub - JonL1/Wappler-Extension-SC-RunJS: Runs custom JS code from Server Connect repository and paste them in extensions/server_connect/modules.