Calling another Wappler API without impacting the original API Process time

Hi all,

I have a scenario where the user submits data via a typical form, the workflow is pretty simple and so fast to complete resulting in a positive UX.

However, I now need in certain scenario’s to once submitted, action another Wappler API which has a longer processing time.

This additional processing is actually for the benefit of the user who receives the data that’s been sent - so i’d like to avoid the processing time impacting the first user.

Currently I ‘Exec Action’ in the same initial API but this isn’t handing it off to be processed. As the awesome Web Workers feature is not here yet - how is everyone else handling such a situation?

I thought of calling an API using the API Connector but I assume that’ll still wait for it to finish, and I don’t really want to run a scheduler that checks every 1 minute.

I’m in a similar situation, running a second request in the success event of the first

Yeah I do that a bit, too - the problem is if the user navigates away as they believe the task is complete… then the process will cancel - so I need to ensure it completes

And if instead of the second SC you make an intermediate one - in which you call the second request through a regular API call - in this case, perhaps nothing will depend on the front side

Is this a mobile/desktop app or all server?

Could you let us know a little more about the process that you’re trying to build (use case, length of time to process, and other technical details)?

Bull queues. Great extension. Had to modify some things for my use-case, works well out-of-the-box otherwise.

Client side navigatoin does not affect server side processing. If the SA has started to process, it will complete, irrespective of what the user is doing on the browser.

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