Calendar Problems (no event description on hover, styles ignored entirely)

Wappler Version : 6.3.3
Operating System : Ubuntu
Server Model: Node
Database Type: MySQL
Hosting Type: Digital Ocean

Expected behaviour

Calendar should be displayed correctly with styles applied and hover text should be shown.

Actual behaviour

All calendar styling is lost and on hover no longer functions.

How to reproduce

  • Open a calendar that has had styles applied to it and on hover event.
  • Update to 6.3.3.
  • Open the page with the calendar.

As you can appreciate styling the calendar and making it do what is requested takes a lot of time and should remain the same after an update. All styling is lost and on hover events no longer function.



We have multiple calendars which all have issues under 6.3.3. Dozens of them, and all are displaying this issue. As far as we are concerned there has been a breaking change to the calendar functionality. We have reverted to 6.2.1.

Right we got some styling back by adding !important to the classes. Seems FullCalendar decided to change a whole load of them…? Still no on hover though, so will update as we tick along…

This really depends on how did you style your calendar?
Did you use some css rules in a custom css file for this? We updated the fullcalendar to the latest version which means some classes and other stuff were changed.
Just inspect and see what needs to be adjusted in your custom styling.

Hi Teodor,
Have got our heads around the changes at FullCalendar level but the problem is if the events themselves are across a few hours in the same day the background, border, and color values relating to the event are ignored.

For example an event starts on 19th March at 9am and ends on the 19th March at 18:00 no style is applied to the cell. If that events end date is extended to the next day the style is applied.

This is a real issue as many events are across a few hours (a support incident for example). Now if it is a reservation across days no problem at all.

Any suggestions? The events in question are those in orange which should have their backgrounds set from the corresponding record in the database which is all present and correct… All was fine prior to the most recent Wappler update in this regard.

Tooltips still fail to work regardless of what we do however…

Sorry if set to all day the style is applied! Otherwise no style is applied.

Ok i was able to recreate the issues.

On the event styling issue, seems this is one of the breaking changes in the new fullcalendar version.

By default, single-day timed events in daygrid will render with a dot as opposed to a solid filled rectangle. To revert to the old behavior, set the calendar-wide eventDisplay option to 'block' . See above for other choices.

Source: V5 Release Notes and Upgrade Guide - Docs v5 | FullCalendar

So add event-display="'block'" to your

<dmx-calendar-source ... 

and we will add it to the UI in the next update.

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And here’s a the calendar js file, with the tooltips issues fixed: (3.3 KB)


Many thanks Teodor!

Fixed in Wappler 6.4.0

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