Calendar Dynamic Events Tooltip

Hey there

I’m using the dynamic tooltip with Wappler Calendar Dynamic Events, and I just need to enable the HTML, it’s simple using Bootstrap. I just need to add data-html="true" for example. But unfortunately, isn’t working for me.

Also, as you can see in the screenshot below, I added the strong tag bs4-tooltip-title="<strong>Job Details:</strong>" for testing and the Wappler Tooltip Title Field was more bold, so I think it’s almost working.

But when I save and go to the browser, the tooltip isn’t bold anymore.

Thanks a lot if you can help me, I’ve been trying many combinations to make it work.

I’m not sure why that’s not working, but you could handle the styling with css.

In the current version of the calendar component, tooltips do not support HTML code.

Try this updated version: (3.7 KB)

To enable html for the bootstrap tooltips add bs-tooltip-html="true".


Hi @patrick, thanks a lot for your help, but unfortunately I tried the new version and still doesn’t work for me.

bs4-tooltip="" bs-tooltip-html="true" bs4-tooltip-title="'<strong>Job Details</strong>'"

Also, I tried: bs4-tooltip="" bs-tooltip-html="true" bs4-tooltip-title="<strong>Job Details</strong>"
And: bs4-tooltip="" bs4-tooltip-html="true" bs4-tooltip-title="'<strong>Job Details</strong>'"

Could you confirm if the new calendar version, the tooltip works with HTML, please?

Hey @patrick, can you help me with the above question, please? If the HTML can be active would be awesome and my problem will be solved.

@patrick there are no changes in the file you sent!

Sorry for the late response, due to Easter I had some a long weekend in which I hadn’t checked the Forum. I checked the code and indeed it wasn’t build correctly. Here the update with the correct code. (3.7 KB)

Hi @patrick, thanks a lot for your reply. But unfortunately still doesn’t work. I don’t know why because I’m using the new dmxCalendar version and I added this bellow code as you can see in the bellow screenshot. Do you know why still not working?

bs4-tooltip="" bs4-tooltip-html="true" bs4-tooltip-title="'<strong>Title</strong>'"

Do you get any javascript error or does it show the tooltip unformatted?

You probably also have to escape the html in the attributes like


Hi @patrick, it’s not showing any javascript error, it just show the tooltip unformatted.

I tried the same thing, but still not working :frowning:

And to confirm, I’m using the new calendar version.

bs4-tooltip="" bs4-tooltip-html="true" bs4-tooltip-title="'&lt;strong&gt;Title&lt;/strong&gt;'"

Hi @patrick, what do you think it could be?

I just noticed that the attribute also needed to be added on the base source component, I only added it to the calendar component. Here the updated version. (3.7 KB)

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Hi @patrick, thank you very much, it’s working now :slight_smile:

Just a question, how about the framework update on Wappler in the new version?
Because for now, the Wappler always opens a modal to give back to the old Calendar version.

Having the same problems in v6.8.0 does this issue really exist in the latest version if so do I need to install the zipped component mentioned in this post??