Built-in Security Functions Project (Reg, Login, Logout, DB, etc)

I’m looking forward to it! Hopefully this time someone is able to deliver as this is a recurrent request. This and an airbnb clone.

So what is your take as adding auth0 as an additional security provider in Wappler @JonL?

Doesn’t really fit Wappler’s record of integrations as they usually go for open source self-hostable software.

I believe the only two exceptions are stripe and ngrok for obvious reasons.

There are promising open source alternatives to auth0 like Keycloak, Authentik and Supertokens.

How hard do you think it would be for Wappler to add any of those integration you suggested and do you think its a good idea to add a way in Wappler security provider list so we can connect external authentication services such as auth0 and the alternatives you suggested?

I believe I’ve asked a few times to the team to improve Server Connect extensibility to be able to tap into Security Provider to add custom providers.

I’ve also suggested revamping the authorization model and integrate something like Casbin.

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I like that I will add my vote to it. Yes it’s extremally annoying that we can’t even use any of the these services api to protect even the simplest of node.js routes without blowing up the entire Wappler out of box security provider way.

Have you checked authelia?

You can self-host it and protect any endpoint you want. It supports nginx, traefik and other common reverse proxies. It’s lightweight and performant.

Thanks for sharing this I will read up on now. Never heard of it before still. Have you tried it before with Wappler? I am desperate for an authentication API service that behave well with Wappler auth provider that can protect my endpoints because building your own auth system requires too much ricks in my opinion when the wheel has already been invented and accessible via API calls.

Not for Wappler apps specifically. For some selfhosted apps I have on a home server that I want to give access outside of my local network.

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hot dog!! I have copied over my register page from Ben’s tutorial into Brian’s tutorial. Then I did it again without also most looking at my test project.

that felt good