Building a CMS with Wappler

It replaces the whole CMS backend. You do not have to develop anything in Wappler to manage the content. Imagine a Wordpress blog. Strapi is what you get once you login into the admin area. You get a dashboard to manage your content, but you also get an out-of-the-box solution to create posts, categories, drafts, taxonomies, etc

Exactly. You would only develop in Wappler the frontend functionality to consume the content. In the Worpress example you only need to develop the views for the blog, single-post, categories, etc. You would consume from Wappler the strapi content via API (REST at the moment, GraphQL hopefully some day :))

You can use the same database you are using for your project or you could use other databases. You can even use a MongoDB database which is currently not supported by Wappler because you will consume the info via API.


Thanks @JonL. This is very helpful.

I think the basic confusion in my mind was the term ‘front-end’. For some reason I envisaged the front-end, developed in Wappler, as the interface to the external database, not the front-end as in the user/public facing part.

Wouldn’t your database have to confirm to some structure and naming conventions etc. that the CMS would understand?

I’m not clear yet how this would be preferable to creating my own (doubtless relatively simple) CMS system, but I’m looking forwarding to learning more.

Strapi abstracts you from the database. You would probably only have to make sure you are using unique names for the tables in your schema.

By using Strapi or Directus headless CMS, you will be replacing the basic Server Connect usage and basic database creation, admin and CRUD actions.

Of course for advanced solutions you still can use Server Connect and its advanced workflows, but for basic CMS those headless CMS system are very fine and user friendly

They do also support database relations and full custom fields - so you can get pretty far with ready to go admin and login system.


Thanks George. I suppose one ‘issue’ is that I like developing with server connect etc. so much, that I would be hesitant, perhaps reluctant, to ‘outsource’ it to an external system - though I realise in some cases it might make sense to do so. I obviously need to understand more about the technology.

One concern is having less control than you would have otherwise have, than if the CMS is developed completely in Wappler. Are you dependent on plugins to some extent, as you are in Wordpress (I don’t know much about Wordpress either).

Eg one thing I did notice on Strapi’s site, in the plugin section: ‘Be aware this plugin doesn’t offer crop, resize or edit features’. There was a link to what seemed to be a different plugin, but it didn’t go anywhere. Wappler has great features for manipulating images (and I daresay Strapi has too, if I knew where to look). Of course Wappler has limitations, but it’s probably always possible to find a solution (using javascript/PHP etc.).

Given the knowledge of the contributors to this topic, I have no doubt providing features to ease integration with these systems is a good idea and will make Wappler an even more attractive option - which is all good.

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I have installed and am creating a database structure with it. It’s very good.

My take on this is that I will build the front-end site using Wappler in exactly the normal way, connecting directly to the MySQL database using the normal way, too.

But I will create the admin area using directus which also connects directly to the same database. The advantage being speed of development. The site owner can access all their data using the directus installation and the visitors use the website.

Or would I be better using APIs and connecting to the database in Wappler via directus?


The great thing about Directus (and probably Strapi too) is the fact that it mirrors what’s in your database and creates pure SQL. There’s nothing proprietary there so it’s just another MySQL database for example.

As an example, I built a client site with Webflow and integrated Perch CMS. It ran great but it was difficult to integrate, especially with shop pages and image galleries. I plan to now re-create the site in Wappler, connect Directus to a MySQL database and let the client have a login to Directus to manage the content.

No need for me to now build an entire CMS from scratch!


So basically from reading this thread I am understanding that with a headless CMS and Wappler I would be able to create a custom CMS similar to Wordpress but without all the bloat?

Yes, you can use Wappler to build your site and use a CMS to let yourself and others manage the content.

If you want the opinion of this grumpy old man, here comes.

If you are building a normal website and you have (some) knowledge of the workings of databases, stick with Server Connect.

If you are planning on creating a PWA, then a headless DB is a must.

(Note to self: remind me to ask @george about facilitating PWA’s)


Since discovering headless cms I’ve been stuck with one question.
What to do when you need a backend dashboard with aggregate data and reports. e.g. to see how many members or sales and contact users etc.

I guess you could build admin dashboard with wappler and to edit content we redirect to the cms with separate login

Is that the solution?

Yes. I haven’t checked but maybe you can use SSO so you don’t have to provide different credentials.

I just want to make it crystal clear that we are not replacing Server Connect. We have great plans for Server Connect, it’s visual workflows and the Database Creator. With Server Connect you have full control and can do visual programming in your workflow server connect actions.

Strapi and Directus - look nice and are a good starters but you should see them more like an extended version of phpmyadmin for managing your database. They do just that allow you to easy create database tables and populate data with the supplied admin apps.

But when it comes to complex workflows and business logic - in both Strapi and Directos you are left on your own to jump into the source code and add your code. See for the example the Strapi sample of Stripe integration and your head will spin up :slight_smile: and this is just a demo, not production ready.

With Server Connect you can do everything with the Visual Workflow editor - there is no need for coding at all.

Also with the upcoming Database Creator, the need for using start up apps like Strapi and Directus might even disappear.


I didn’t think you were planning to replace Server Connect - I would be very upset if you were!

I’ll be interested to see Database Creator of course, but I had assumed that it was more for people who are not familiar with setting up databases or don’t already have a solution for this. Eg I use Navicat (as I think a number of other Wappler users do) and am very happy with it. I would hardly expect the Database Creator to have all the features of a dedicated database management program, so am not sure what I would use it for. Perhaps it will be more conventient being built into Wappler - or perhaps it will include some different features to programs like Navicat.

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Hi all, I’m currently evaluating Wappler and weighing pro’s and cons to what I want to achieve short term & long term. Very comfortable with Webflow (in fact will still use this for simple CMS website), but wanted to get my hands dirty with web apps. Looking at a project using Contentful or Directus as main point of simple Directory to feed websites & web apps.

Would be really interested in what the new and up & coming Database creator can do, and if I can use this instead / in conjunction with the headless CMS model. Any more news on what Database creator will be, and when its due for release?

@George, have you look into this anymore? Using a headless CMS with Wappler as the frontend gui builder?

We’ve built a cms completely with Wappler. It includes a huge bunch of functions and possibilities. We have a really clever data table (filtering, mutli update/delete), newsletter tool, cascading deletes (all deletes do also remove image from the server and related records), multi-upload, etc. etc … It also includes a sophisticated registration tool with an included newsletter signIn. The newsletter signin tool can be easily added to any kind of form. Actually it’s based on over 1500 action files. If I find some time I’ll introduce it here.


This sounds very good. Does it include some kind of page builder so content can be easily maintained on the site pages?

It partly has site builder capabilities due to the relations we’ve implemented. The main target is giving our clients a tool where they only work with data and do not build pages. Therefore it’s much easier for them to work with it. If the front end is built correctly, a site builder tool is not needed.

Yep, that’s the kind of solution I like implementing but sometimes things like columns on pages are needed, or tables, etc. so some kind of builder, even if a fairly basic one, is ideal. I started looking at GrapesJS a while back but haven’t had a chance to progress with it yet.