Building A Calendar

Has anyone used the full calendar library into Wappler so that you could utilize the calendar view of the data inserted via forms, and inserted data to a mysql database, etc. created using Wappler?

If not full calendar, have you ever integrated any kind of dynamic calendar page with Wappler?

Thanks for any information or suggestions!

We had a request about this before:


Thanks George!

I thought I might ask to see if anyone has improvised an external calendar package into Wappler. I’ve got the database side of the calendar completed. Now I would like to query data and display the results in a full-size ‘calendar-like’ page. That would suffice until this type of feature is realized in Wappler.

In fact, it appears that I’ve already voted in favor of such accessory.

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We have been using FullCalendar for a few years now and can only go so far with Wappler integration. You can pass the event id via on click using some extra JavaScript (set cookie) within the FullCalendar script (functions) itself (within the page) so this can then be passed in to Wappler. But as far as anything else goes it’s controlled by FullCalendar. Definitely my favorite scheduling tool and would be wonderful to see it adapted to work with Wappler.

eventClick: function ( calEvent, jsEvent ) {
$ . cookie2 = function ( key, value, options ) {
if ( typeof value != ‘undefined’ ) { // setting cookie
var defaults = {
expires: 1,
secure: 1,
path: ‘/’
$ . cookie2( ‘selectedeventuid’, calEvent . evntUID, {
} );
$ . cookie2( ‘selectedeventstart’, calEvent . start.format(‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm’), {
} );
$ . cookie2( ‘selectedeventend’, calEvent . end.format(‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm’), {
} );

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Some really nice photography on your website!

Thanks Dave!

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