Bug Report #1654787693849 Database error after copy of project

OS info

  • Operating System : Windows 10.0.22000
  • Wappler Version : 4.9.1

Problem description

After copying a project using wappler project manager, and changing the databasename in the new projects Database connection, wappler still used the old database. I got around this problem creating a new database connection to the same new database, and copying in code view the setup to the old connection.
But, wappler now doesn’t see updates in the database, and if I try to make changes to an exixting api action (Just queries, inserts are OK) i get an error message as shown in the screenshots.
PS: I can still make custom queries in Wappler

Using asp.net and MSSQL 2016

wappler queries mssql queris

Did you try to just refresh the database schema in the database manager?

Meny times :slight_smile: Also restarted wappler many times, and restarted computer.

Problem solved. If I create the new database connection from Database Manager instead of in Workflows,Globals,Database connections. It works properly after restart of Wappler.
Wapller needs to be reastarted before the new connection are visible in Workflows.
Also it looks like the database connection files in : .wappler\targets\transportdoc.no\databases\ doesn’t get updateted if I make changes to a database connection. Only when a new one is created.