I need to bump this on 6.0.1 stable using w11 and a php project.
Project succesfully pushed on 6.0.0 on main computer.
Now I can’t pull the project on another computer with 6.0.1 and I get:
And I also saw same alert with: string shortland is required
So I deleted the project, the folder, and try to clone the project.
Having the same exact issue as Jeff.
I also noticed that git options are not updated
Github personal access token not saved.
On pull from remote:
On update repositories:
TypeError: w2ui.git_remotes.updateRemotes is not a function at i.updateRemote (file:///C:/Users/franc/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/gitManager.js:101:95) at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (file:///C:/Users/franc/AppData/Local/Wappler/resources/app/Shared/DMXzone/dmxAppCreator/UI/index.htm?theme=dark:1:17)