Bug on array variable when use where

Wappler Version :6.5.0
Operating System : Windows
Server Model: PHP
Database Type: MYSQL

I think there is a bug in the array component when use where on it. Because before the update it works correctly but now he doesn’t work. If i remove the where on the serverconnect query it shows correctly all the records. If i add the where don’t show anything.
This is the code:

<select class="form-control" name="Commessa" id="comm" dmx-bind:options="serverconnect1.data.comm.where(`IdAzienda`, serverconnectform1.idazienda.value, '==')" optiontext="'('+OreResidue+') '+Tipo+' '+Descrizione" optionvalue="CodiceERP">
<option value=""></option>

Which part doesn’t work?

the where on the query. If i remove it it show correctly all the record but if i add it it doesn’t show anything. I already check on the db and the record exist

Without where:

with where:

I downgrade the version of AC to AC1 and work correctly

In my local test the where formatter works fine. Do you get any JavaScript error in devtools console?

No i don’t have any error in the console. But i noted that i have also problem with the jquery event that are not called.

In another page i have this error in the console