BS5 Component Defaults - time/click saver

When working on projects, I have certain preferences that are pretty much always applied to components when I add them.

Off canvas are set to bottom
Modals are set to large, no close on click, and scrollable
Slideshow set to pause on hover
Buttons set to primary

Would it be possible to have a project/UI defaults page to set these, based on our preference, so that we don’t have to click the same checkboxes every time?

Awesome idea! A lot of time would be saved, indeed.

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Glad you thinks so. I thought I was going mad with the lack of votes - I can’t believe more people wouldn’t find this useful…

Hi Ben
If I understand you correctly, it seems to me that your request is very similar to this request:

If we could create custom blocks, you could create a page template block and then when creating a new page, you would install it in one click.

You’re right but I think at its minimum, just setting defaults for individual components (such as modals, off canvas, buttons etc.) would be useful, rather than a complete block of HTML combining several components. Without knowing how much is involved bringing it to the UI, it may be a compromise that could bring it sooner :man_shrugging: