Bringing all services up ... zsh:1: command not found: docker-compose Error Launching Services!

Wappler use Docker Desktop to deploy your web or app in a localhost enviroment installing out of the box all the neccesary package need it to run your web or app.
But if you are trying to deploy your docker image into a remote server, you need to have a docker engine installed on that server.
So, Docker Desktop works for your local testing. In remote servers need to have a docker engine to works.

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I see now that you are having indeed docker missing on your remote server. It is needed there indeed so Wappler can deploy to it.

How was the server created? Can you access it with SSH?

You can either install docker manually or add it as custom server in Wappler resource manager and then do a system check, which will also install docker on it as long as you can connect to it with your own ssh key.

The provider has an install feature on ubutum 22.04-docker-docker compos. I did it all. Now everything is on the virtual server.


Created SHH

Checked it, left prints. ( ssh root @IP)

But still I have the same error

Test Connection



installation went changed the name

Do you know that you can post your screenshots in a single post, no need to create a new post for each screenshot?

Changed the name installation was successful

No, I didn’t know. I’m trying to show my actions in order

Well then don’t create a new post for every screenshot. If you have multiple screenshots then just add them in one post.

Also, here it’s explained how to setup and connect to a custom cloud provider using the resource manager:

I’ve tried all the ways. I have the same error.
Did like here:

On the virtual server was ubutum 20.04, I manually installed Docker and Docer compose. Checked their installation.

Here, according to this instruction with all the checks, everything turned out super.

But my error did not go away and there is no connection to the custom server

Poluchayetsya ya uzhe poproboval dva varianta dazhe bol’she s virtual’nymi serverami: Pervyy variant provayder predlagayet samostoyatel’nuyu ustanovku na server Ubuntu ------Dokker —Dokker Kompose. Vtoroy variant sam rukami vse eto ustanovil na server. Oba varianta vydayut odnu i tu zhe oshibku. Vse vashi instruktsii ya vnimatel’no prochital po nim i deystvoval: Managing Cloud Servers with Resource Manager Vezde u menya odna i ta zhe oshibka. zsh:1: command not found: docker-compose Error Launching Services!


664 / 5 000

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It turns out I have already tried two options even more with virtual servers: The first option, the provider offers a self-installation on the Ubuntu server ------Docker —Docker Compose. The second option manually installed all this on the server. Both options give the same error. I carefully read all your instructions and acted on them: Managing Cloud Servers with Resource Manager Everywhere I have the same error. zsh:1: command not found: docker-compose Error Launching Services!

Bringing all services up …
zsh:1: command not found: docker-compose
Error Launching Services!

now the error is gone

Bringing all services up …
unknown shorthand flag: ‘p’ in -p
See ‘docker --help’.

Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND

A self-sufficient runtime for containers

Common Commands:
run Create and run a new container from an image
exec Execute a command in a running container
ps List containers
build Build an image from a Dockerfile
pull Download an image from a registry
push Upload an image to a registry
images List images
login Log in to a registry
logout Log out from a registry
search Search Docker Hub for images
version Show the Docker version information
info Display system-wide information

Management Commands:
builder Manage builds
buildx* Docker Buildx (Docker Inc., v0.10.4)
container Manage containers
context Manage contexts
dev* Docker Dev Environments (Docker Inc., v0.1.0)
extension* Manages Docker extensions (Docker Inc., v0.2.19)
image Manage images
init* Creates Docker-related starter files for your project (Docker Inc., v0.1.0-beta.4)
manifest Manage Docker image manifests and manifest lists
network Manage networks
plugin Manage plugins
sbom* View the packaged-based Software Bill Of Materials (SBOM) for an image (Anchore Inc., 0.6.0)
scan* Docker Scan (Docker Inc., v0.26.0)
scout* Command line tool for Docker Scout (Docker Inc., v0.10.0)
system Manage Docker
trust Manage trust on Docker images
volume Manage volumes

Swarm Commands:
swarm Manage Swarm

attach Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container
commit Create a new image from a container’s changes
cp Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem
create Create a new container
diff Inspect changes to files or directories on a container’s filesystem
events Get real time events from the server
export Export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive
history Show the history of an image
import Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image
inspect Return low-level information on Docker objects
kill Kill one or more running containers
load Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN
logs Fetch the logs of a container
pause Pause all processes within one or more containers
port List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container
rename Rename a container
restart Restart one or more containers
rm Remove one or more containers
rmi Remove one or more images
save Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)
start Start one or more stopped containers
stats Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics
stop Stop one or more running containers
tag Create a tag TARGET_IMAGE that refers to SOURCE_IMAGE
top Display the running processes of a container
unpause Unpause all processes within one or more containers
update Update configuration of one or more containers
wait Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes

Invalid Plugins:
compose failed to fetch metadata: fork/exec /Users/artem/.docker/cli-plugins/docker-compose: no such file or directory

Global Options:
–config string Location of client config files (default “/Users/artem/.docker”)
-c, --context string Name of the context to use to connect to the daemon (overrides DOCKER_HOST env var and default context set with
“docker context use”)
-D, --debug Enable debug mode
-H, --host list Daemon socket(s) to connect to
-l, --log-level string Set the logging level (“debug”, “info”, “warn”, “error”, “fatal”) (default “info”)
–tls Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify
–tlscacert string Trust certs signed only by this CA (default “/Users/artem/.docker/machine/machines/proupd/ca.pem”)
–tlscert string Path to TLS certificate file (default “/Users/artem/.docker/machine/machines/proupd/cert.pem”)
–tlskey string Path to TLS key file (default “/Users/artem/.docker/machine/machines/proupd/key.pem”)
–tlsverify Use TLS and verify the remote (default true)
-v, --version Print version information and quit

Run ‘docker COMMAND --help’ for more information on a command.

For more help on how to use Docker, head to