Bootstrap vs AppConnect


After reading the documentation i felt App connect suits my usecase. When i created a new Forebase project Bootstrap was automatically included. Do i need Bootstrap if I am using App Connect and how should i remove it if i don’t need it


App Connect is the front-end interaction for the Wappler components and the back-end, and is not a design framework, unlike Bootstrap which is a design framework. probably the best way I can explain it. App Connect interacts with your design to make it ‘dynamic’ and is the glue that sticks your Project together and interacts with the back-end components such as Server Connect (essentially your API for database integration, and other components within the Server Connect environment).


Thank you so as I understand it now i need both then. Thanks

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You are very welcome. Can take a little while to get your head around, between App Connect and Server Connect is where the magic of Wappler comes together as one.

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By the way, welcome to Wappler and the amazing community @ruast


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I want to make a static site though and interact with my database (Azure Cosmos DB) and my Server (Azure Functions ) via Rest API so i thought i can’t use Server Connect.

Wappler is indeed magical for me.

Earlier i was making my games as apps with Unity. I could make everything work but dealing with so many platforms (UWP ,IOS , Android) quickly became a headache.Even installing , updating Xcode , Unity it was really time consuming I gave up and then I found Wappler.

With Wappler + Construct 3 (which is also so easy to install and work with ) life has become easier:-) The beauty of users not having to install anything and just visiting the website from any platform is great. No need to pay 30% to the app stores either.

I was stubborn about native apps earlier , now i see the beauty of websites and there’s no going back for me. And to be able to do it without much code is amazing. I’m using the trial version of Wappler now and will buy the pro version soon.

I also went through the forums earlier and the community support gave me courage to start again


Thank you so much , it is indeed the best online community i have seen.

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Have a look at the demo sites. You will notice that the static site does not use App Connect while the dynamic site does.

Not using App Connect will limit the number of options that you have at hand. But this may suit some sites and save resources.