Bootstrap Row Columns limited to 6

Hi, I’ve checked on the web but can’t find an answer to Bootstrap’s row-column classes, so I’ll try here. Why doesn’t row-col-7 (for instance) create 7 columns and wrap the remaining columns underneath? It seems row-col-(7-12) don’t do anything? Thanks

I just checked Bootstrap 5 code and noticed they only have classes defied for up to 6 columns, see here:

Checking the Bootstrap Docs, they don’t mention anything about limiting the row columns:
which makes me wonder why are these classes limited to 6 then?


You can try creating your own classes in your custom CSS file like:

.row-cols-7 > * {
  flex: 0 0 auto;
  width: 14.2857142857%; /* 100/7 */
.row-cols-8 > * {
  flex: 0 0 auto;
  width: 12.5%; /* 100/8 */

which should be working fine for your purposes :slight_smile:


Ahh, good thinking, Teodor. I should have checked the bootstrap css.

I spent hours this morning trying to find info on this including skimming lots of ‘how to’ videos. They didn’t demonstrate anything over 6 columns and nobody mentioned a limit. Because of that and seeing Wappler’s Row-Column slider has the option to go up to 12 columns, I assumed there must be something I was missing.

As an aside:
Since Wappler’s Row-Column slider goes up to 12 columns, I wonder if it’s worth thinking about adding additional bs classes to cover row-column classes from 7-12? e.g.

.row-cols-7 > * {
flex: 0 0 auto;
width: 14.2857142857%;

This would have a similar effect as duplicating columns in the App Structure panel but at least it would expand this row-column method across the entire column range and reduce confusion. If the idea isn’t rejected here, I might put it forward as a feature request.

(EDIT: just saw your second post, Teodor)