Bootbox Dialog stopped working

Wappler Version : 5.2.3
Operating System : windows
Server Model: nodejs
Database Type:mysql
Hosting Type:selfhost

Expected behavior

What do you think should happen?
on click inline flow show bootbox dialog like confirm dialog

Actual behavior

nothing shows no dialogs popping up

How to reproduce

it work on previous version
tried the Control flow confirm dialog it works but on bootbox dialog it doesnt work

Please check for errors in your browser console.

this the error in console

Please post your flow code here.

<button id="update_btn" href="#" class="btn pif-update-btn mt-3" dmx-on:click="run({'bootbox.confirm':{message:`\'Credit request \'\' ?\'`,title:'Credit budget',buttons:{confirm:{label:`\'Budget Pending\'?\'Credit\':\'Revert\'`,className:'btn-primary'},cancel:{label:'Close',className:'btn-secondary'}},centerVertical:true,swapButtonOrder:true,then:{steps:{run:{action:`credit_budget.load({request_details_id:})`}}},name:'confirm_credit'}})" dmx-bind:disabled="!">{{'Budget Pending'?credit_budget.state.executing?'Crediting':'Credit':'Revert'}}</button>

there you go

Which version of bootstrap are you using?

Its bootstrap 5 local

Do you have a live link to your page?

I don’t ,It is deployed in a restricted network sorry
I guess I’ll just use the simple Confirm Dialog

Your code works fine in my test, so there must be something else on your page, that causes it. I need to see your page and inspect it to tell you what’s wrong.
Are you sure the includes in the page head tags are correct and not misssing?

this maybe the reason it works now thank you