Boolean insert

think I am being really thick this morning but cannot get a boolean to insert or update.


I have a field in the DB that is a boolean. I have a form with a tickbox, value 1 for ticked, 0 for unticked.

Field on DB is default 0.

I try to do an insert with the tickbox checked (so value set to 1). Yet it doesnt insert 1 into the DB.

Equally I have an update form (same form basically), sets to 1, but update does not set to 1.

I have tried to set value to number as I believe it comes in as a string from the form, but setting to number makes no difference.

what am I doing wrong?


The checkbox only has one value, which you set in its value="" attribute. If the checkbox is not checked, then it does not send a value on form submit. It only sends this value when it is checked.

What’s your checkbox code on the page?


Please take a look at that great “to the point” tutorial

yeah, if checked it sends 1, if not checked nothing, on the DB field I have degault set to 0, so if not checked on the front end the DB will insert 0 and on front end if checkbox is ticked it sends 1.

and the dynamic attribute is set to Checked[0].OnWhatsapp

the checkbox works in terms of showing its checked on selecting from teh DB, but it does not do an update or insert, only if i go directly into the DB and set it to 1 it shows as ticked, if i then untick it, nothing changes on the db, equally if its unticked and i tick it nothing it sent to the server end


Can you please post your checkbox code here?

<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="OnWhatsapp" name="OnWhatsapp" dmx-bind:checked="[0].OnWhatsapp">

Your checkbox has no value set. It needs a static value 1 added so that it can send this value when it’s checked.

doh, thanks, that did it, thought with it getting dynamic value it didnt need the static.


You don’t need a dynamic value there.