Blank New Template from Pages Tab / File Manager

Why is it that when I create a new page from the “Pages” tab of the File Manager using a predesigned template I get a blank page with no components added to it?

Hm, that’s an old Dialog, which has been updated a while back, how did you open it - where did you click in the UI to bring it?
These are also not templates, just thumbnails - but as explained such dialog should not appear in Wappler.

Site Manager > Pages > Create New > Page Properties Dialogue

I’ll try updating then.

Ah sorry my mistake :slight_smile: the dialog is not old - it’s the thumbnail edit dialog.

So - it’s just a thumbnail icon for the page, not a page template.

When I create a new page in that manner should there be content & components on the page?

When you create a new page and select a custom thumbnail, nothing will be included on your page. Just its thumbnail in the pages panel will be different - this has no effect on the page layout.