Bit of help on dynamic toggle and how to use dmx

Morning Wapplers

I have been trying for ages, searching and trying to find the right answer/resource but failed :frowning:

i am trying to build something like this:

where on the right you get a list of rooms, like the left room and you get a right handle toggle panel giving data for that room.

so i have setup a small db, rooms, roomitems etc

i have that bit working so far.

I then want to repeat through the rooms on the left and on he right then when the room is click i will list the items for the room

this is what i have;

<div id="repeat2" is="dmx-repeat" dmx-bind:repeat="">

                    <div class="card mb-2" dmx-on:click="{{RoomName}}.toggle()" id="{{RoomName}}">

                        <div class="card-body">

                            <h5 class="card-title">



                            <p class="card-text">0 items added -&nbsp; 0.0 m3</p>



                    <p dmx-html="RoomName"></p>


I know this is wrong, but it shows what I am trying to do i think, but have tried all sorts and failed :-9


Please take a look at this tutorial:

This will help you with listing the rooms and click on a room view/update its details…

Whatever else/more you need just ask it here.


many thanks will take a look at that now