Binding Server Side on template

Maybe I dont understand how it works I hope someone can help me.

On my template page I Define Template Data:

Captura de Pantalla 2023-10-06 a la(s) 11.00.32

Here I create all the variables that I will pass from the content page to the Template itself like keywords, tittle etc etc.

Later I can place this variables on the template. With the Insert Server Side Binding. Button

Captura de Pantalla 2023-10-06 a la(s) 11.03.05

It creates the code correctly.


But if I want to use this idProduct inside a Server Connect Action, or to bind it as a Variable value, it dont appear on the binding panel.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-10-06 a la(s) 11.06.07

Click on the thunderbold

But inside the binding panel is no this idProduct input.

Is something that is possible? Do I am missing something?

Thanks for any help.

I got this working Kennet help me understanding @kkoker great partner.