Issue 1: Binding a dynamic placeholder value to an autocomplete input field.
I set a dynamic placeholder in this autocomplete search input field like this:
<input class="form-control rounded-start" type="search" is="dmx-autocomplete" id="home_search" name="HomeSearch" dmx-bind:data="" optiontext="TranslationProductTitle" optionvalue="ProductID+'/'+TranslationProductTitle.slugify()" dmx-on:changed="browser.goto('/product/'+home_search.value.split('/')[0]+'/'+home_search.value.split('/')[1])" dmx-bind:placeholder="staticTranslatedPhrase.value.SearchFor">
It doesn't show the placeholder, although the translated phrase with SearchFor key is definitely retrieved successfully, I ensured that.
When I set a static placeholder like this, it does show:
<input class="form-control rounded-start" type="search" is="dmx-autocomplete" id="home_search" name="HomeSearch" dmx-bind:data="" optiontext="TranslationProductTitle" optionvalue="ProductID+'/'+TranslationProductTitle.slugify()" dmx-on:changed="browser.goto('/product/'+home_search.value.split('/')[0]+'/'+home_search.value.split('/')[1])" placeholder="placeholder">
So it seems dmx-bind doesn't work on autocomplete fields, at least not for the placeholder attribute. Or do I have to set it in another way?
Issue 2: Binding dynamic validation error messages to input fields.
In a registration form I validate input data. For example I want to validate the email address input:
<div class="col-sm-6"> <label class="form-label" for="reg_email" dmx-text="staticTranslatedPhrase.value.Email">E-mail Address</label> <input class="form-control" type="email" required="" id="reg_email" name="RegEmailCustomer" data-rule-email="true"> </div>
The validation rules are set here in AC, but actually are not shown unless set in SC. So that's what I did:
These messages however can't be set to a dynamic value (e.g. a translated phrase based on a defined translation key retrieved from a database table).
Also for SC's `Validate Data' this is not possible:
How can I use dynamic values for these messages?
Thanks for any help in advance!