Binding data to external API calls

This is an external api call. it runs outside of this app. Not sure how I would put a route parameter in for that. Just add it to the routes?

The value I want to pass it comes from a form which is why I have the form linked to the action. Is there another way to do this?

This is what I get from the form.

This is how I have it setup now.

This is the response I get from the server call with this url http://localhost:8080/api/v1.0/partnumbers/num/199892.

Did you define/setup the schema?

Yes, the schema is defined.

I know I am missing something very small. All I am trying to do is a search and pull 1 record from a database that has exposed api’s to make the calls. Why is this so hard to do. I do it all the time in other platforms that aren’t web based and it’s the easiest thing in the world to do. I can make the call in postman, in a browser and everywhere else. Why not here.

See my DM.