Binding data from multiple sources in a textarea

I’m struggling with something that should be fairly simple. I have a table with multiple fields (ie.: name, ticket, product) and I want to populate a textarea with a template that incorporates these values. I’ve tried the method below to apply one field (eq_customer_name), without result. I can bind the whole textarea to one field fine, but that destroys the purpose of the exercise:

															<p style="text-align:center"><strong>Escalation Management - Meeting Minutes - Ticket </strong></p>

<strong>Customer:</strong>{{}} <br>
<strong>Date / Time of meeting:</strong> <br>
<strong>Meeting Notes:</strong>&nbsp; <br>
<strong>Next Actions:</strong>&nbsp; <br>


What exactly are you trying to achieve?
You want to render this HTML code in a textarea, or?

The textarea is a summernote editor that is prepopulated with certain fields, that the user can amend and complete with additional free text. It’s then inserted in a database to be stored and sent as an email.

It’s basically a way of preformatting an email and leaving some room for manual editing as well.

I'd suggest you to wait a few more days until we get the summenote Integrated in Wappler.
Otherwise check the custom integration tips here:

Or use the Medium Editor available in Wappler as an editor :slight_smile:

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This is how I used dmx-bind in a summernote editor

<textarea id="intro_page_gr" name="intro_page_gr" dmx-bind:value="[0].intro_page_gr" onupdated="$('#intro_page_gr').summernote('code',;"></textarea>

But I think that in your situation (to create an email from dynamic values) I would separate each of your data in distinct inputs

So for the above I would have 5 distinct inputs.
And then I would create the HTML formating from the server connect email functionality

Thanks Teodor, I have summernote working fine, my problem is binding one field after another within the textatea, I don’t know if that will be addressed with the future integration. In most cases people only have a need to bind one field to the textarea, I’m trying to bind multiple db fields concatenated to the same textarea:

<textarea>Name{{field_1}}; Lastname: {{fiedl 2}}</textarea>
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You need to use the dynamic attributes > input > value for this.

<textarea dmx-bind:value=" 'Name: ' + field_1 + ' Lastname: ' + field_2 "></textarea>

Great, thanks for the guidance. I’ll see how well I can integrate html formatting with it too. Thanks @t11 for picking this one up too.

I’ve got it working, thanks very much!

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@Nathaniel, what are you using for a text editor in your screen shot? I’d really love to replace the Medium editor on my dashboard.

You will have a replacement available in Wappler in a few days.


Thanks @Teodor! I will wait until then. That is fantastic news. You guys amaze me.

Hi @brad, it’s summernote, Teodor pointed out to an integration guide. It’s fairly easy to do, but if it’s going to be available transparently in Wappler, I’m of the opinion of holding on for a few days. I have a page with 8 different instances of the editor and it gets a bit messy to track the different js scripts.

Just out of curiosity- do all your summernote editors on the same page have same config options or different?

This will help us to make the best possible integration.

Hi @George,
They all have the same config options. Thanks for the amazing job you’re doing with wappler!