Bigger input fields in the 'join' window

Can we please have the ability to make this larger? This is so hard to work with just like Bigger 'input tables' in server actions

The only way to make it a bit workable is by doing this…
Ideally we can do this combined with making the whole ‘options’ window wider, so i don’t need to horizontally scroll.
On top of that, please save the preferences so I don’t need to do it every single time I click on the join window.

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This is still a huge frustration in 6.8.0. Could it please be addressed? Just making the pop-up resizeable would massively help (especially if the Wappler UI remembered the last size you set it to):


What's worse is when you open the dropdown, the results are inhibited too:


Similar to this: Flow arguments table size

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Agreed :+1:

@Notum This is a FR so you could also vote to add weight to it...


I don't know if you already have this in mind but I make the two left columns small by dragging them to the left and then the fields colums ("Second") Is a lot larger and almost always I know which one to pick from it...

Off course it would be great the whole window to be scaleable or maximized!

There are several places where this could be applied. Same on the API setting in server connect! I voted and will be on the bump committee!



Yes @George give the UI a little bit more love please :smiley:


Bump - @george much of the UI has been improved but this is still a real problem. Could you please tackle it in one of the forthcoming W7 updates? Pretty please?

Making the join window resizeable would also help...


! :slight_smile: Yes

Hasn't it been fixed in Wappler 7 UI?

Not yet - it is likely just an oversight, hence the bump...