Better password encryption

Hi, @patrick and @George!
Any news regarding including bcrypt in Wappler?
I’m worried about more and more people using SHA for encrypting passwords with Wappler which may if future cause a security breaches in the SW produced with Wappler, which may ruin Wappler reputation at some day. Seriously)
I think It’s better having this out-of-the box.

Yes, it's coming to Wappler later today :slight_smile:



Argon 2id! Above and beyond!

Thanks guys! You rock.

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The new encryption algorithms will only be available for PHP 5.5+, it will use the native PHP password_hash function. To use Argon2 you will need at least PHP 7.2 and it should be compiled with the required library.

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This has been implemented in Wappler 2.6.4. Check Patrick's explanation:



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