I agree it would be a great addition to access these options straight from the UI.
Though I think it’s possible to use password_hash() and password_verify() by making custom formatters…
Create a new php file in dmxConnectLib, Formatters called custom.php (if you already have a custom file just add the new formatters to it.
Add the passwordHash and passwordVerify functions shown below (the UUID formatter enables v4 UUIDs on insert), https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2040240/php-function-to-generate-v4-uuid.
To hash a password add {{$_POST.password.passwordHash()}} to the insert/update action on server connect.The database column should be CHAR 60.
To verify a password add {{$_POST.password.passwordVerify($parent.query1.password)}} in a condition on server connect. Where $POST_password is the password you’re checking and $parent.query1.password is the hashed value from the database. This returns true if the password is verified and false if not so doesn’t need any ==.
To use UUIDs add the UUID formatter to your custom.php file. On server connect on database insert add {{$_POST.uuid.uuid()}} where the database column name is uuid. Make sure $_POST.uuid returns empty. Database column needs to be CHAR 36.