Beta Channel Versus Experimental Features

Hi @teodor

I’m just upgrading to 5.8.2. Hooray! :tada:

To be clear… if I want to test the beta functions which have all the AC speed improvements, do I only need to set the Extensions Update Channel to Beta, or do I also need to “Enable experimental features”?

I’m not sure of the difference!



Personally for now and for your own sanity in not having updated in a while I’d suggest sticking to the Stable Channel with Experimental Features active. For us the latest release is working great. Don’t cause unnecessary headaches by jumping to Beta before you wrap your head around what is Stable. Although the Beta Channel appears appealing it does come with some unknowns. Great if you have the time to publish Bug Reports, but if you don’t fancy that stick with Stable for now.


Beta channel and experimental features are two different things indeed.

Beta channel contain usually extensions that are app connect browser components or server connect for the server side.

While Experimental features are usually Wappler UI features to test.

Beta channel has currently the new App Connect 2 beta extensions which are good to test before we release the final.

Current Experimental features are the new project options editor in tab.

Thanks folks… I sense the beta channel is quite stable right now, and my app seems to be running on v5.8.2 with only minor updates needed, so I’ll turn on the beta channel and give it a good testing!


These comments were made in relation to a previous version. Does the same apply equally to the current version and the beta channel/experimental features?

Is there any way to find out what features are or are not included in the beta/experimental features versions?