Beta 15 Keeps losing Bootstrap 5 formatting

Windows 10

Beta 14 keeps loosing the bootstrap styles. Everything is fine and then it will just go to this:

A reboot boot fixes the issue. It happens sometimes when I start a project and sometimes it will just do it whenever it wants.


Same here, until I un- and re-installed the version.

Restarting wappler seems to resolve the issue. Sometimes I have to restart more than once, but then it it good for a while after that. I keep seeming to have weird issues and then I end having to restart and that seems to straighten it out. Looking forward to the beta 15.

Experienced this twice today (node project)..
I was playing around with session storage
Reproduced, so log is here: (6.2 KB)

Issue is solved by restarting like Baub and Ben said before..

Another one:

  1. Unlocked windows
  2. Open Wappler
  3. Close others
[2025-01-13 18:08:31.608] SERVER CONNECT Unload DONE
[2025-01-13 18:11:55.922] setNodeSelection called without selection, so deselect!

A new log with:

Cought loadURL error:  Error: Error invoking remote method 'GUEST_VIEW_MANAGER_CALL' (3.0 KB)

Still happening in beta 15. Didn't take very long at all to start having issues....

I am seeing monochrome colour charts

(cured by restart)

I completely uninstalled the beta. Rebooted and then reinstalled. Seems to be a bit better than it was. Didn't do the full full reinstall where you wipe the preferences or whatever that procedure is. Just a basic delete and reinstall. We will see...