Beta 10 Not working at all on MacOS Catalina

I download Beta 10 and as soon as you launch it on OSX Get this error.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-09-29 a la(s) 19.03.46

If you try to quit this in the tool bar, instead of quit Restart. I cant open Wappler. Maybe I am the worst lucky tester guy. Last time PHP Server was not working and cant test it now I even can open Wappler.

Is anything I can help to find where is the error?? Let me know I am open to help.

Take a look:

I delete all restart machine and copy the file again and the same problem.

What is your macOS version and hardware exactly? Are you able to run the stable version or previous betas?

Yes the beta 8 and 9 was working. ( I reported the PHP server failure and you fix it.)

Captura de Pantalla 2023-09-30 a la(s) 13.06.06

Version 10 only crash at open. Is any Log I can send you?

I also try deleting the Library files. When you open it generates the new ones but still crashing.

If you try again to install the previous beta 9 does it work?

How to download the previews version ??

I found on my download folder the Wappler Beta 8, 9 images.

I setup other time 9 and works perfect

Later I try to replace with Beta 10 and still crashing at startup.

Captura de Pantalla 2023-10-01 a la(s) 12.17.49

I download other time Beta 10 maybe de image is corrupted but the problem persist.

Happily I got an old Macbook around with Catalina so I could replicate the issue!

So it will be solved with the next beta

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Hello, I know that my computer is old but effective. Thank you very much for taking the time. So far I have really liked the experience with Wappler. Although I’m still on the learning curve.

Scary when an OS less than 4 years old is effectively considered obsolete.

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Fixed in Wappler 6 beta 11