Back to School With ChatGPT

I don’t know about you, but I can never quite remember my regex… so when I needed to use it for a bit of my app, I thought I’d find out what syntax to use from Mr AI himself, ChatGPT.

What I got back wasn’t just the answer, but a beautifully written expanation of why the answer is the way it is, and even how to remove an extraneous space character if I want it all really neat and tidy!

What an epic resource, and it saves me bugging all of you for the answer! :tada:

Of course the problem with ChatGPT is if it doesn’t know the answer, it just lies to you… :roll_eyes:

Glad to see I am not the only one that says please when asking chatgpt questions. I want our new AI overlords to remember I was polite to them at the start :smiley:


Checkout Claude from Anthropic. It’s hallucinating less than ChatGPT

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Totally! :rofl:

Just wish I’d started the sentence with a capital latter… :roll_eyes:

I’m always polite to Alexa because you never know…

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Just occasionally when I say “thank you” to Alexa she says “you’re welcome”

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