Back-end (server action) performance profiling

This is an intermediate-advanced feature - you can skip this topic if you’re a beginner

I just had a situation where in a NodeJS project I added an API Action step somewhere in a Library file and a few server actions became slow because they relied on the API Action step that was included as part of an Exec step.

If I hadn’t remembered about this, I’d be left wondering why the server actions were slow, with no apparent way of performance profiling.

I suggest the addition of an option (much like the “debug” option), where when toggled, it outputs in the JSON response a tree containing all steps and their execution time


Database Query: query
Set Value name = {{query[0].name}}
    "query": (...),
    "name": "George",
    "_profiling": {
       "database_query:query": "32ms",
       "set_value:name": "0.1ms"

This would allow easy identification of performance bottlenecks. Haven’t thought how to deal with nested steps and repeat loops, but this topic serves as an introduction to the concept