AWS s3 Bucket - Put File action content not available in dynamic picker

Wappler Version : v4.1.0
Operating System : MacOS
Server Model: ASP.NET
Database Type: MSSQL
Hosting Type: IIS

Expected behavior

After adding Put File s3 step in the API, Put File Output content should be available in the dynamic pickers under Insert or Update API action steps.

Actual behavior

No Put File S3 Output content is available in the dynamic pickers under Insert or Update API action steps.

How to reproduce

  1. After adding AWS s3 buckets, create a new API action
  2. Add S3 Put File step and add the necessary bucket information
  3. Add an Insert step after Put File step
  4. In the Insert database field, say for url, click on the dynamic picker
  5. No content is available for the Put File action step

Bump @patrick


I have tried by typing the code putFile.Key in the insert database field and this is also not working. Do I need to write a different code for this to work correctly? Any assistance in resolving this issue is greatly appreciated.

What do you want back from the putfile, it doesn’t return anything useful. The Key is not returned, you should already have the Key since it is also required as an option for the putfile action.

The Location/ObjectURL (depending on PHP/NodeJS) has been very useful in the past to save to DB for a full URL to the file.

Hi @patrick,

I have setup the Key with this format folder/clientID/filename. I am trying to save this url / path along with filename in the DB, so that this path can be used to display photos in the Client UI.

Do I need to type the same code as for the ‘Key’ above in the insert query as well?

Seems that the .NET SDK is returning less then the PHP/NodeJS api. In the PHP SDK documentation I see that it returns the ObjectURL, in the .NET SDK this is missing. I haven’t returned anything in .NET since I didn’t see any useful in the response object. See In .NET I cannot return the response object directly, I have to convert each property I want to return to a JSON property/value.

Just in case you haven't noticed (extremely unlikely, I know), in the NodeJS SDK it is returned as Location

This explains why PutFile ‘Output Result’ doesn’t return any data.

I think then another option will be to code folder/path and filename (from the uploadImage step) in the DB insert field.