Autocomplete results position not aligned

I’ve got an autocomplete working correctly except for the fact that the position of the results is not aligned with the text input. How might I get it to line up correctly?

Hi David,

I think it has something to do with your page structure. Possible to paste your code here?

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										<p class="h6 text-capitalize mt-1 mb-0 ml-0 mr-0">{{name}}</p>
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									<img src="assets/img/architecture-3.jpg" class="align-self-center img-fluid">
									<p class="text-center align-self-center">{{cat_name}}</p>

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								<p class="text-center m0 font-weight-bold">${{$key}}</p>

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Try changing that line to:

<div class="form-group">
<input id="autocomplete1" name="autocomplete1" is="dmx-autocomplete" dmx-bind:data="" optiontext="name" optionvalue="id_margin">
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Thanks @brad! That took care of it!

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No problem, good luck with your project!

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Glad that issue is sorted out, I have to admit I battled to follow the code, as there seems to be 2 closing div tags that seem to have no purpose, unless I am just reading it a little wrong.

line 80 and 81 seem to be the 2 stragglers, if it is incorrect, them possibly fix it anyway or later you may have other layout related issues if something closes before it is meant to.

<dmx-notifications id="notifies1"></dmx-notifications>
<dmx-session-manager id="userSecurityId"></dmx-session-manager>

Line 326, 328, 329, 330 also have a batch of closing div tags that seem to have no purpose?

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Thanks Paul! I’m not surprised. I started the project when I didn’t understand how layouts, html, css, bs4 worked at all and I’m sure there are some holdover mistakes. I’m still not very proficient in coding but learning lots every day :slight_smile:


Don’t worry I still feel that way, hahahaha.

Just a trick that i use, whenever i have something that is layout related, i copy all the code and paste it into BBEdit, then under the view menu, there is a submenu saying “Collapse folds below” and off that menu, i choose 2.

This keeps the head and body tag open and collapses everything else, which very quickly shows you if there are areas with straggler tags, those can cause untold layout issues.

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Opening Wappler code view will show you errors if there are any unmatched/unclosed tags.

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As @Teodor says, the code editor in Wappler will show errors, but I sometimes use the same method as you to track down issues. In the past I pasted the code into a text editor for various reasons, but I rarely do that now. I don’t use BBEdit, but I would have thought the new editor in Wappler has enough folding options to keep an origami enthusiast happy:


All have shortcuts but some seem to conflict with other shortcuts. But the most useful - eg Fold/Unfold: Ctrl+Shift [ / ] - work fine.


Thanks Tom, to be honest i had never even looked in there, this will certainly save me from much back and forth in my text editor, so so so happy, thank you again.
I am busy playing with all the other bits and pieces in there right now.

The reason I personally can not automatically rely on syntax highlighting errors is due to my own bad coding habits, sometimes i may have an extra closing div that looks like a remnant of something wrong but because of an include that comes before it, that might have a conditional region where one needs an extra close an the other doesn’t etc. I often land up with Dreamweaver or Espresso or Wappler telling me my document has errors, but are not really errors, just design flaws that i have decided to keep instead of fixing properly due to the hassle involved.

Anyway, to finish up, it looks like the only reason i would still need to use BBEdit is for it’s very powerful Grep commands which I can do some simpler ones directly in Wappler, however BBEdit was made as a text editor only, and so some functions are just not in Wappler, in fact I am surprised by just how many are already in Wappler.

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Yes, I noticed that. And if I highlight a div it also highlights the corresponding opening/closing one too! Nice touch!

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I’m glad that was useful. I expect it’s obvious, but I should have mentioned that of course you don’t need to use shortcuts to fold sections - but perhaps it’s not very obvious as the feature is hidden until you hover over the margin area (unless this setting is changed in Options):



Thanks Tom, I did know about that one, and often use it just to move code out the way so i can see how line 50 was written when i am doing something on line 600 or whatever.
I do not think i could live without code folding.