error with database query

I have a simple query with result.
When i try to create a dynamic first I make a server connection: I have an error 500min debug!. Why?

Do you have a live link so we can see the error in English?

Could you post the generated json (Use the Open in Editor in Server Connect) of the action file that generates the error, strip out any sensitive information before posting it.

  "name": "custom",
  "module": "dbupdater",
  "action": "custom",
  "options": {
    "connection": "sbio",
    "sql": {
      "query": "SELECT pratica.pratid, pratica.scadenza, anagrafica.codazienda, anagrafica.ragionesociale\nFROM pratica JOIN anagrafica ON pratica.anagrafica_id = anagrafica.ID\nWHERE ultima = 1",
      "params": [ ]
  "output": true,
  "meta": [
      "name": "pratid",
      "type": "number"
      "name": "scadenza",
      "type": "text"
      "name": "codazienda",
      "type": "text"
      "name": "ragionesociale",
      "type": "text"
  "outputType": "array"

I don’t see anything wrong with the json for the custom query. Are there more steps in that action, goes the error away when you disable/remove the step with the custom query?

No, there’s only that step…