Error after update to 4.8.0

Help please. Today I’ve update Wappler to new version.
So I opened my project I’m working on and also update 4 files in Connect server


After that I have an error on a page that before worked!
(it’s a simple click on a button, that duplicate a value with a new ID - this is part about the insert)

And this is the error!!!

If I overwrite the 4 updated files, from a previous backup that luckily I had done, everything works correctly

I had the same issue. After upgrading to 4.8.0 I had to update one page of my site and it took the entire site down and had to restore from backup. I’m getting more and more concerned about these updates and the risk of taking down our sites.


This is the third time since using wappler. It is frustrating to have the fear of something going wrong after updates

The majority of our apps use Node, so we have a way of testing locally. Even though we still have issues with updates, it far easier to catch them locally. With our 2 .net apps, we don’t have a testing server. I guess if we continue to maintain those apps we will have to invest the time and effort to get some testing sites deployed.

For corporate policies I must necessarily remain in, I can not do otherwise.
No advice to deal with this problem (maybe less frequent updates, but more tests?), I really appreciate your work but you have to pay more attention to what users are doing. It is unthinkable to waste time on work already done, just because after the updates the pages no longer work as before.

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I’ve noticed that there are usually more bugs in a major release ie say from 4.7 to 4.8. I usually try to wait until a couple updates later before I decide to update. Let others find the bugs. LOL. So if its 4.8.2 to 4.8.3 update, but if its 4.7 to 4.8 wait a couple of weeks before updating.

Just my two cents

I usually wait a couple of weeks but because I was having an issue last week that 4.8.1 fixed, I needed to update. I understand there are trade offs with rapid development, but it does worry me with the core changes and breaking a site that is stable.

That is why we introduced the beta extensions so you can test.

The new database components were running in beta for a few weeks now, and last week we release them officially as there were no more bug reports.

As is rarely used and if you don’t test yourself the beta’s in a few weeks to report any problems, we are unaware of such.

I get what you are saying George, but sometimes it’s just not as easy as you make it out to be.

I get your frustration. Before I adopted a solid development workflow, I had the same frustrations.

I tell my clients this often…the best way to move forward with updates, upgrades, simple code deployments, etc., is to have a bullet proof way to rollback (backups of databases, and git control take care of that.)

Yep, a dev environment really will save you a lot of headaches, regardless of the software stack you use. Even if Wappler bungles the entire update, it will be caught in dev where you don’t have the pressure of a production site being down.

Sorry your in the middle of this…I know it sucks.


Ken you are 100% right. It is 100% up to me to push up code that works, and it’s on me to put the tools and processes in place to make that happen. I take 100% responsibility and not placing blame on anyone else for that. Luckily I’m not a one-man shop and I have a support person that can revert from backup in a few min.
It’s one thing to control bad code or when things just don’t work with a dev site and testing bed, but it’s another when you start to not trust the tools that you use to do the development. I get it, we are all in the same boat. We are all developers here. We use the code that Wappler develops to create code for our customers. But just like my customer depends on me to update their site/app and not break it, I depend on the Wappler team have reliable code. I know it is difficult to do and they are trying to put things in place to help the situation. But just like I have to proof my code and make sure it works, I expect the same treatment and not be told things like ASP.NET is rarely used, whatever that means.
I have two developers in my company that refuse to use Wappler just because of the issues I’ve had with updates affecting our sites. Yes, the team always get it fixed and respond when we ask questions but it is still different from using mainstream tools like VS Code, Visual Studio, Eclipse, etc. I don’t think I will ever be able to persuade them to change.
Since I’m on a rant I’ll say this and I’m done. I think now the most frustrating part is spending a day troubleshooting and gathering data so it can be fixed, and then waiting for an update all while it’s making me look bad to my customer who is wondering why he can’t have his simple update. I know that’s just part of it and it has to be done, but I don’t always have time to spend a day gathering data, back and forth on the messages to get a bug fixed when I can just fix it in VS Code and move on.

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My advice would be to be able to have the option to download an older version, in case of problems (a link to a web page, external to the program)

You can just use GIT for version control … this way you can always back up your files and restore them.

Fixed in Wappler 4.8.2

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