Are DMXZone Dreamweaver extensions still being supported?

Sorry to ask this question here, but I’ve had no response to emails I’ve sent to DMXZone. I’m a longtime WebAssist Dreamweaver extension user and as you may know, Ray Borduin sadly died in October. I’m actively looking for something to replace the WebAssist extensions as they will eventually stop working as PHP updates are introduced. I don’t want to change from using Dreamweaver to Wappler just yet as I manage a lot of sites and to get used to a new way of working, as well as learning new software, would be too much to take on all at once. I reckon if I use the DMXZone extensions in Dreamweaver first and get used to them, then the switch to Wappler will be a lot less painful! I’m worried though that there is no support available for DMXZone extensions as no-one has replied to a sales query I sent over a week ago, and I don’t want to spend hundreds of pounds on something that I can’t get any support for. Can anyone in the Wappler community advise?

Hi there,
first of all we’ve not received any emails from the email you used in Wappler community.
To answer your question - I don’t see a reason why would you first purchase extensions for Dreamweaver and then switch to Wappler.

You can just start with Wappler and not rely on a dying product like Dreamweaver.


The learning curve to use DMX extensions is the same as learning Wappler. And Wappler is way more up to date. I would suggest jumping right in to Wappler. Wappler is even easier to use than the extensions.

But yeah, I wouldn’t waste time learning old outdated technology in Dreamweaver extensions. Moving away from WebAssist to DMX would still mean redoing everything. May as well learn the proper way with Wappler right from the start.

The Wappler support is light years ahead of the Extensions support as well. The community here is always very helpful and active.

Make the jump to Wappler. You won’t regret it. Dreamweaver is obsolete.


I thought that I would have a bit of a play around by dropping your homepage into Wappler. This is the result:

With this, you can start learning Wappler; we in this Community will give you all of our assistance.

Welcome to the fold.


@linksdesign I was in your exact situation a few years back. I bit the bullet and transitioned over to Wappler. Yes, it was a steep learning curve but if I’m honest, it was a lot easier to do than I’d imagined. Once you get your first site converted, you’ll wonder why you didn’t make the move earlier.

As mentioned above, the support here is the best I’ve had anywhere, any ‘problems’ you may have have mostly been experienced by members of this group so they can be either found here or offered up by the membership after asking for assistance.

Hi Teodor

I sent emails on 11 and 12 January from the email address associated with my profile here to sales@, support@ and - they were the email addresses I could find on the website. What would be the correct email address?


support@ is a correct email, but i see no mails from your email. You can however contact us here in the forum or at support at wappler dot io

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Thanks for the advice. The reason I’m hesitant is partly due to cost - I need to keep paying my annual subscription for Adobe Creative Suite which includes Dreamwaver because I use all their software extensively and I would also need to pay the annual Wappler subscription on top of that.

I was an early backer of Wappler and I did try it out when it was first launched, but I didn’t find it as easy as Dreamweaver, but may just be because I never seem to get the time to actually get right into it. Certainly if the support is there, that will probably influence my decision. Might just have to bite the bullet and give it a go again!

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Thanks! :blush:

Thanks for that. Strangely I’m also not receiving notifications of replies on this thread - I only visited the page again today to see if anyone had replied, which of course they had, but no email notifications received.

My opinion is go straight to Wappler, and save yourself learning it all twice.


After being a Dreamweaver user for over a decade, I can’t think of a single reason to use it today. Wappler really does walk all over it.


I used it this morning to update part of a legacy site - it was terrible! I’d say I have to use it three or four times a month. I’m looking forward to the day that site is updated to NodeJS in Wappler.

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