App name/version, capacitor/wappler bug, or FR?

(Just in case, w10 framework7 Stable 5.8.2 and Beta 8 same behaviour with capacitor 5.3.0)
Don’t know if it’s a bug, but unless you read the log files there’s something wrong going from Wappler to android studio.

Appears that Wappler changes the app name only on capacitor.config.json and not in strings.xml (needed in A.S.) and I’m wonder if it’s all right.

I mean, this:

Doesn’t do anything unless you manually change.

The build image button should update all files with the capacitor.config.json lines? If so, I think there’s a bug or maybe something not running:

This also occurs with the “version” of the App.


Please notice that “franse” was manually changed. Since the app name was never called franse. Was called “helloworld”.


Just in case it helps others (correct me if I’m wrong please):

android:label (Android app name) comes from

applicationId and versionName (App Id & Version) comes from

At least, that’s the way it works for me.
Don’t know if Wappler have handled that in the past.

This is still an Issue on v6.0.3:

This only changes the capacitor.config.json file but will not edit the files that Android Studio needs for the properties.

This brings issues to release step
All of this need to be hand-coded
