Anyone have any recommendations regarding learning more about the potential and typical use of the App Connect Flow feature within Wappler?
This might be something for you to check out if not already seen
The simplest one I use is the wait feature on submit buttons to prevent double clicking. Works like a charm.
Another use case that flows really saved me was on a page I have about 40 server connect queries. I don’t want to load them everytime the page loads as I only need certain ones based on a URL Parameter. So I have it set up to only load certain queries based on a URL Parameter.
Now I only load 4-6 queries instead of all 40.
I just use them when my on-click ends up getting too long and needs more logic than the x?y:z format can handle…
… or if I have a datastore which needs managing…
… but I push as much as I can back to the database using views wherever I can in order to speed things up…