API submit Data as JSON Blob, not as FORM

Good afternoon community,

The issue is the following.

I created two selectors and a submit button. The API that my backend created needs the info to be sent to them as a JSON blob, NOT as a form. So I took it out of the form element and just created an onclick API action for the button. I am hitting the API successfully however I am getting a 422 error because it is for some reason defaulting as sending the info as a form.

Here are my settings on the API action

<select id="NumberIndividualsInHousehold" class="form-select">
                <option value="1">Option One</option>
                <option value="2">Option Two</option>
                <option value="3">Option Three</option>
            <select id="NumberAutosForHousehold" class="form-select">
                <option value="1">Option One</option>
                <option value="2">Option Two</option>
                <option value="3">Option Three</option>
            </select><button id="btnCarbSub" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" type="submit" dmx-on:click="run({'api.send':{url:'https://staging.gecapi.com:3500/calc_carbon',method:'POST',dataType:'json',headers:{key:`key.value`},params:{NumberIndividualsInHousehold:`NumberIndividualsInHousehold.value`,NumberAutosForHousehold:`NumberAutosForHousehold.value`},name:'apiCarbon_cal',output:true}})">Button</button>

here is the error from dmx.app.data from the console, you can also see that it sees it as a
$type : “form”

Why not send the values through in a standard form $_POST then process them as required in the server connect and call the API from there with the values as required.

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@scalaris thanks for the reply, however I am not sure that I follow?

Our API requires a JSON blob to be sent over not as a Form. Are you suggesting to use the Wappler server side and then to have the serverside API make the call since it might have the ability to make the call in the proper format?

Yes. Capture the data in a Wappler form and then send it on to the API as you require

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thanks for the tip, any documentation or tutorials on how I can accomplish this? I am a little behind with regards to working with the wappler backend.

Standard form
Server Connect
Add API action
Set up API details and use $_POST parameters