API sha1 encryption Base64 value

Hello @George ,

In my API connection, sha1’s base64 value is required to create a token. I can create a SHA hex value, but I can’t get the base64 value. This value is very important. How can you help me?
You can check the picture for more clarification.

This is how I found the solution I needed. Can a better solution or this feature be added in the future?

maybe someone will use it in the future. :slight_smile:

Hi Serhat,

Not sure if this is a similar, but I created a “Set Value” step prior to using the API

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hi @ben
it is not smilar .
I modified formatter_sha1 function manually .
I need to sha1 base64 hash not hex value

I thought it would be more complicated than my solution, otherwise you would have found it. Thanks for the feedback and good coding??? Duh, Wappler?

Edit: Sorry, Wappler is great, but power users are thankful for the Code view.

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