API JSON Nested Data - Is the only way to display nested data in a repeat group by using multiple SC Action repeats?

Hey all,

Finally making progress with our ES query, using only Wappler (and no custom work).

We are returning the query and I’m starting to populat the repeat group (which is a list of records).

Within the API JSON - we have at least 7 arrays, and 100+ data points.

We will want to display data from each array on a single ‘card’.

From the tutorials on nested data - the only wat to achieve this would be to use a repeat.

This would mean 7 repeats on one query - which would cause performance issues.

Is this the only way in Wappler, can achieve this?

Gentle bump - trying to avoid going down any other rabbit holes if this is the only way to achieve this in Wappler?

As an expansion -

On the actual data returned, and useable in the repeat group - I see the arrays, if I select the array for the repeat child - then I see the ‘number’ of items (as I’m encasing them in a button) - but the actual name won’t pull through, and the only way I’ve been able to pull a name through it just repeats the first item [0] in that array. When removing that, the name dissappears.

If I add the specific array from the main SC data > it actually adds the entire array to the repeat child, not just the array chosen.

I feel as though this might be possible without a repeat SC action, and I’m just missing something.

Managed to implement a workaround. For anyone that is looking to achieve something similar:

In the first card (summarised card) - I just referenced each array item so [0] or [1] and put that in a list format.

In Google Dev Tools you can see the full array data able to be used by typing in dmx.app.data in the console and pressing enter.

What is really useful however is that, you can use repeat children arrays in a modal without needing any Server Action repeats, so keeping things nice and fast.

Simply set the Modal container (to contain the data you want to use) as a Data Detail - correctly reference the same data source and a consistent ID - then you can create as many child repeats as you want with the array data. Works perfectly.

In saying this, I haven’t tested it - but I assume you could probably do the same with a Data Detail on the summary cards, to then use repeat children without repeats in server action.