API Form adding "=" to param value in cases where there is only 1 parameter

Wappler Version: 4.6.3
Operating System: Windows 10

I think this is a bug, i am not sure

In API Form if there is only one parameter then “=” is getting added to parameter value.
If I have two or more parameters this issue does not arise

Expected behavior


Actual behavior


How to reproduce

In API Form , add an input form group with input type = email
In parameters first have only 1 parameter and bind it to value of above input email
It won’t work correctly, an “=” will get added to the parameter value
Then add an extra parameter (isupdate in this case)
Now it will work ok

So this does not work
<form id="formResetPwd" is="dmx-api-form"
 dmx-param:emailid="inputEmail.value" ">

And this works
<form id="formResetPwd" is="dmx-api-form"
 dmx-param:emailid="inputEmail.value" dmx-param:isupdate="1">

Rest of the form code :

 <div class="mb-3">
                        <label for="inputEmail" class=
"form-label visually-hidden" dmx-text=

<input type="email" class="form-control form-control-lg"
 id="inputEmail" name="inputEmail" aria-describedby=
"emailValidation" placeholder="Enter some text" required="" 
data-rule-email=""  data-rule-nowhitespace=""

 <small id="emailValidation" class="form-text text-muted"