API Action does not send credentials or method when using DELETE method

Good day, @patrick. Any updates on this?

Looks like the first part of the issue is in cors section of ./lib/setup/config.js

This is what was in there.

 cors: { // see https://github.com/expressjs/cors
        origin: false,
        methods: 'GET,POST',
        allowedHeaders: '*',
        credentials: true

Once I changed to this I got past the cors preflight errors. For some reason I had to explicitly define the headers.

 cors: { // see https://github.com/expressjs/cors
        origin: false,
        methods: 'GET,POST,DELETE',
        allowedHeaders: 'Content-Type, Authorization, X-Requested-With, Accept, Origin',
        credentials: true

I then setup a server connect route /api/v1/contactgroups/:groupid, but the challange now is easily setting this dynamically in the API Action. I can get it to work by hardcoding the :groupid.