Apexcharts is not that good

Hi! Re-designing my dashboard pages and charts now. Previously I was using Apexcharts as I liked it’s design but now that I’m going more in-depth I see that it’s actually a very bad library…

  • A lott of bugs
  • 50% of the time their docs site is down
  • Their important reported bugs are open since months and they don’t seem to fix it or even respond to the bug reports

So switching back to chart.js now.

Do I need to use the chart.js tag again on top of Wappler’s integration in order to use all their custom stuff? Or will all their JS work with the include from Wappler’s dmx/chart.js?

Hi @htatd, what exactly are the problems that you have had with ApexCharts? I have been using it in some of my projects and so far they have worked perfectly without problems.

I don’t know where you got that they didn’t respond to the bug reports but there are reports from 25 days ago that they have answered, as u can see here:

Link to the source

Regarding the fact that 50% of the time you can’t see the documentation, the truth is that it hasn’t happened to me either, are you sure you don’t have a problem with your ISP?

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The bugs that are the main problems for me are:

It’s great and easy to use but I think to create more complex charts it has too many bugs